I spent one week this summer in Idaho with my family. We visited an old historic town from the 1800's. It was interesting to see all the antiques and artifacts. We visited the cemetery, and many of the graves looked like this. They were beat up and ignored. The name on this grave, and about 90% of all the other graves in the cemetery is "Unknown." It struck me that this person had been dead for at least one hundred years, probably close to two hundred. No one knows who he (or she) was. Nobody knows what his occupation was, if he had a family, anything. I started wondering if this person had any significance in life at all. Was the world any different because he had come and gone? What gives a human life significance? God knew this person. This person was made in the image of God. He had significance because he was created by the creator of the universe. Every person on earth has some meaning and significance because of who God is and who he created us to be. Life has meaning because we were created by God and for God. A proper response to that would be a life of worship. That means my whole life would be something that honors God and honors who he made me to be. When I pass, and hundreds of years are gone by, I would hope the world is a better place because I lived in a way that showed the love of my creator to the people around me.