I recently attended the memorial service for a Christian man who had died six days previous. Even though I never knew the man, I was inspired by the service. I had spend the last week with his children and grandchildren. The memorial service was a testament to the immense impact this man had on his family. Almost his entire family are committed Christians who live gospel-led lives and practice the teachings of Christ. This man had led his family well. His children honored him and loved the Lord. By his life, this man had left a noble legacy of character. I was inspired. As Christians, we should pursue a legacy that honors Christ. We should live in such a way that at our funerals, our children praise God and honor us. There was no mention of this man's financial status, material possessions, or career advancement. The focus was his love for Jesus, his love for his wife, and his love for his family. Today's culture fosters an immediate-fortune mentality. More weight than is healthy is placed on worldly treasures. We are taught that financial gain and personal advancement are the end goals in life. A high salary and a multi-syllable title are more worthy of our efforts than healthy marriages and strong families. We rarely think long-range. We don't often consider what will be left in our absence until it's too late to make a real difference. I would suggest that we start playing with the end game in mind. Live in the present, but do it with the future in sight. Lasting impacts and noble legacies are not accidents. They are results of intentional living and, for the Christian, Spirit-led action. As Christians, let's live with divine perspective, with heaven in mind. Let's consider what will be said at our funeral and, more importantly, what Christ will say to us when we stand before him. Let's leave behind us a legacy of faith, hope, and love. Let's inspire our children to emulate us. My goal is to live in such a way that if someone who doesn't know me comes to my funeral, he will leave inspired to live for Christ and then blog about it.
Amen, brother. Thanks for the reminder- we get one shot in this skin, I want to make it memorable too.
ReplyDelete"Man is a mere phantom as he goes to and fro: He bustles about, but only in vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it. "But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you."Psalm 39:6-7