Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Ten Commandments for Toddler Bedtime

I have three children; Isaac (3), Selah (2), and Anorah (6 mos). Isaac and Selah, being toddlers, share a room, and have a love/hate relationship with each other. They are the best of friends, and yet in less than a second they can become the worst of enemies. Every night, bedtime is a war. Mommy and daddy versus Isaac and Selah. Battles over band-aids, potty trips, and water are routine. I'm assured veteran parents that this is a short season and "goes by so fast". I'm sure this is true (in fact, my son will be 4 soon, and that's crazy to me!), but it doesn't feel like time is slipping away as Olivia and I make seemingly fruitless attempts to get our two crazies to sleep night after night. It must be a perspective thing. Olivia is leaving for a trip to Baltimore tomorrow with Anorah. In preparation, I am writing the Ten Commandments for Toddler Bedtime. Hopefully Isaac and Selah will heed these commands and we can all win. 
  2. Thou shalt not go potty until the morning. 
  3. Thou shalt not have one last drink. 
  4. Thou shalt not climb into thy sister's bed to pinch, bite, or pull her hair. 
  5. Thou shalt not try to frame thy brother for pinching, biting, or pulling hair if he is innocent. 
  6. Thou shalt not jump on the bed. 
  7. Thou shall remember the evening time and keep it holy so mommy and daddy can spend more than 30 seconds in rational conversation. 
  8. Thou shall sleep through the whole night. 
  9. Thou shalt not ask for any more band-aids, thou art fine. 
  10. Thou shalt not covet thy sibling's teddy bear/dolly/horsey/blanky/pillow/sheep/panda/doggy
I do love my kids, and enjoy the heck out of them. I honestly look forward to coming home to them everyday after work and reading books, playing, wrestling, and riding bikes. It's awesome being a dad. The bedtime battle just comes with the territory I guess. I'll make sure to soak it in and enjoy it while it lasts. There are some pretty cute and fun parts of bedtime (they were holding hands earlier tonight). 

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